Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Random Questions that seriously baffle me

1. Why do women squeeze their lips like they just finished sucking lemon when they are driving? ( I do it too!) And they can be so aggressive when driving, especially to other women, dem no dey give shance.  Na fight???

2. Why would a woman pack like 20 colourful hair ruffles on her baby's daughter's head that has just about a handful of hair? It doesn't distract any one from noticing the lack of hair, but rather, draws attention to it!

3. Why are most Okada drivers suicidal? Do they think the helmets they wear has some kind of magical, invisible armour that can protect them? And they don't know jack about traffic rules.

4.Why is it that when I finally  put on the generator after giving up on PHCN to bring light, they bring light 5 minutes later, and as soon as I turn off the generator, they take the light again? Arrrgh!!! Playing mind games with me.

6.Why do some women have hairlines almost touching their eyebrows (selfishness if you ask me) and full sideburns (showing off!) and even small bia bia (aseju!)? The height of insensitivity towards other women with hairline "challenges". God dey!

7. Why do peeps fart in confined spaces?? Worse if its an air-conditioned confined space (hope people are aware that fart carries the owner's unique smell/ perfume with it like a signature scent).

8. Why is it that when I take pains to make tasty meals like fried rice and beef stir-fry for my kids they won't eat it, but when I'm jejely munching bread and suya or soaking  garri and suya they won't let me eat in peace?(Shortening my ration).

9.Why is it that when I'm just finishing off a wonderful meal and savouring the last mouthful or  tooth picking after a meal, that's when D1 or D2 decide to do  "Number 2" and start screaming for my attention from the loo? (well co-ordinated attack!).

10.Why did I write this post?

P.S: Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. Been finding it difficult to blog so this post is just to buy time and occupy space :)


  1. I like your random thoughts. they kinda echo mine too sometimes... The other day I couldnt help but notice this young lady with a weave so long it was reaching her behind and all decked to the hilts (in her mind!) with the ever faithful pout. I was just thinking dont your facial muscles ache? Na wa o! It's all good.

    1. Long badass weave-sheck,baffs-sheck,pouty lips-sheck= gbogbo big gez tinz.

  2. Lmao @ (7)! Who hasnt done that :D

    1. Believe it or not I've never done No.7 before.What can I say,I'm just a butti *big grin*


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